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Dean And Shelton Country Show Constitution


1. Name

The organisation shall be called the Dean and Shelton Country Show Society


2. Definitions

Within this constitution the following definitions will apply: 

“Show” shall mean a country show wherein people can exhibit their horticultural produce, and arts and crafts competitively on an annual basis.

“Parish” shall mean the Parish of Dean and Shelton containing the three villages of Upper Dean, Lower Dean and Shelton.

“Members” are residents of the Parish over the age of 18 at the time of the society’s AGM and as such residents who wish to support the Society in any way.

“Committee” shall mean the management committee of the Society.

“Day” shall mean the day on which the flower show is held.

“Working Party” shall mean those sub-groups or individual members appointed by the Committee to help with the staging of the Flower Show “Support Activities”. 

“Support Activities” shall mean the stalls, exhibits and refreshments on the “Day” (as defined above) together with other activities decided upon by members.

“Officers” shall mean Committee members.


3. Aims and Objectives

To organise and stage an annual Show as a social event for all ages that promotes horticulture arts and crafts within the Parish and such other complementary activities as the Committee may determine. The Committee shall determine the details of the Show, without limitation, venue and date, and may open it to members of the public from  outside the Parish


4. Membership

All members will be subject to this constitution and the regulations therein and by joining the society will be deemed to accept them. Membership is free and is open to anyone as defined above.


5. Committee

The Committee shall comprise of Officers covering the following roles:

Chairman. Vice Chairman. Secretary. Treasurer. Show Organiser.

The Committee will be elected annually at an Annual General Meeting. In the event of a competitive election priority will be given to at least one representative from each of the three villages within the Parish being elected to the whole Committee. All Committee members will retire each year but will be eligible for re-appointment. The Officer roles will be allocated by the Committee meeting following the AGM. Should any one or more Officers be unable to continue in any one year the Committee may appoint replacement Officers as necessary. Notice of the appointment of Officers shall be shown on the  Dean and Shelton Parish Council and the  Dalton Trust web site.

The Committee will appoint sub-committees (The Working Party) and appoint advisers to the Committee as necessary to fulfil its business. The Committee may elect to solicit “Sponsors of the Flower Show” who would contribute to the welfare of the Flower Show by donation. 

The Committee may invite and appoint a “President of The Show” in an honorary capacity for a mutually agreed term of office.

Any Member may nominate, with their consent, any other member for election. Any committee member standing down may be eligible for re-election after one year. 


6. Working Party

After the AGM the Committee will appoint volunteers from Members to form sub-groups and join the “Working Party” to cover specific tasks as designated by the Committee. The sub groups will report back on progress to the Committee as required.


7. Finances

The treasurer will be responsible for the finances of the show and all support activities. All monies will be banked in an account held in the name of the society.

The financial year of the Society will be twelve calendar months ending on 31st December.

The financial statements will be submitted to a Committee Meeting for approval prior to presentation at the Annual General Meeting.

Any cheques drawn against Society funds should hold the signatures of the treasurer and/or one other Officer.

The Committee shall be responsible for all the costs and expenses of the Society.

The Committee shall use all reasonable efforts to maintain funds sufficient to support two further Shows plus a contribution towards new or replacement equipment but to accumulate no more than such funds. 


8. Meetings and Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The AGM of the Society will be held annually, notice will be given by the Secretary at not less than 21 clear days notice given to the Parish.

The AGM will receive reports from Officers of the Committee together with the approved financial statements verified by an independent examiner. Written copies of these reports shall be appended to the minutes of the AGM. Election of Officers shall take place at the AGM.

All Members have the right to vote at the AGM. In the event of a tie the casting vote shall be made by the Chairman of the meeting at that time. The Quorum for AGM’s will be no less than six people eligible to vote and include at least 60% of the Committee members. The “Committee has the right to call Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM) outside the AGM. Procedures for the EGM will be the same as for the AGM. Committee meetings will be held as required at the discretion the Committee. A quorum for such meetings will be at least 60% of the Committee members. Each meeting shall be chaired by the Chairman, or in his/her absence, another Officer as appropriate. The Committee shall endeavour to make all decisions on a unanimous basis. If this, in the reasonable opinion of the meeting chairman, is not possible or not appropriate the decision shall be made by a majority vote. In the event of a tie the decision shall be made by the chairman’s casting vote. Minutes of Committee meeting shall be circulated to the Working Party and made available to any Member on request.

Should a Committee member resign during his year of office the remaining Committee may at their discretion appoint a replacement provided that person qualifies as a Member of the Society. The “Working Party” as a whole and the Committee shall meet at least twice a year, once at the AGM (and EGM if called), and no less than one month before the actual Flower Show. Sub groups will meet as necessary and report progress back to the Committee.


9. Dissolution

Should the Show not be held for five consecutive years the Society will be disbanded. In the event of the winding up of The Show any remaining assets will become the property of the Dalton Charity.


10. Amendments To The Constitution

The constitution will only be changed through agreement by two thirds majority vote of those present and eligible to vote at an AGM or EGM called for that purpose.


11. Other Matters

Any matters not covered by the Constitution shall be dealt with by the committee. 

© Dean and Shelton Country Show 2024

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© Dean and Shelton Country Show 2024

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