Celebrating 131 shows Since 1885
01234 708462 07802721720
Local Community Links
The Dalton Hall
Web http://www.daltonhalldean.org
Email daltonhallupperdean@gmail.com
Phone Jo Cordell on 01480 869 486
The Dalton Charity
Secretary Scott Findlay
The Dean and Shelton Allotment Society
​Email valerieshort499@gmail.com
Phone Valerie Short on 01234 708 650
Dean and Shelton Parish Council
Clerk Ron Grasmeder
Web https://deanshelton.bedsparishes.gov.uk
Email DandSparishclerk@aol.com
Young Farmers North Beds
Phone Ben Pell on 07880 736 854
Eileen Wade Lower School
Email office@ewps.org.uk
Phone 01234 708 260
Little Blossoms (Formerly Grasshoppers)
Web www.littleblossomskindergarten.com
Email deanunderfives@gmail.com
Phone Sue Carlie on 07804 244 877
Rushden Town Cricket Club (Incorporating Dean Cricket Club)
Web rushden.play-cricket.com//
Email chris@veparrott.co.uk
Phone Chris Layram on 01933 353522
The Three Compasses
Web http://thethreecompasses.vfmweb.co.uk
Email info@thethreecompasses.co.uk
Phone 01234 708 346
Stodden Churches
Web https://stoddenchurches.com
Email stephenholroyd@btinternet.com
Phone Stephen Holroyd on 01234 709 740
Bedford Borough Council, Bedfordshire Archives